In one-hour per week you can make a difference.
All young people can benefit from having additional support in their lives. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Nevada connects Bigs with Littles in the places where they need us the most, in the community, their schools and at partner after school locations. Starting something begins with finding a great match between a Big and a Little. Making these matches, and performing all the background work involved with them, is possible because of donations from people like you. It's also why we're able to offer such a wide variety of programs that pair children, ages 6 and up, with role models in one-to-one relationships.
We deliver our Site Based program in multiple elementary schools within the Clark County School District and several after school sites. During their one hour per week meeting, matches work on homework and/or literacy and they also have fun playing games indoors and on the playground. Our program goals include improved grades, fewer absences and better behavior at school.
Some of the biggest supporters of our Site-Based Mentoring program are actually teachers. They see students come back from their time with their Big filled with confidence, smiling big, ready to learn and eager to succeed.
Although it takes place at schools, our Site-Based Mentoring program isn’t limited to the classroom. Of course, some Littles do talk with their Bigs about class, or do homework, or read together, but it’s perfectly fine to shoot hoops in the gym or play on the playground. At the end of the day, it's really all about starting a friendship, providing guidance and inspiring them to reach their potential.
At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we have tremendous confidence in our ability to impact children and put them on the right path. But it means even more when an outside study comes to the same conclusion.
“One in three American youth don’t have a mentor to provide them with support and encouragement all young people need to succeed. You can be the caring, dependable adult our young people require."